Rotating Precision Mechanisms Inc. was founded in 1975 by a team of engineers with an entrepreneurial spirit, and a wealth of experience in designing high-precision antenna positioning systems and controls. Today, we are proud to continue in that tradition, and have assembled a core staff of highly trained engineers with over 300 man-years of combined experience in the design of rugged, high-precision antenna positioning systems and the controls thereof. 

The background and experience of our engineering staff gives RPM, and our customers, an unparalleled advantage in understanding all aspects and requirements of any system's operational scenario and environment. This allows for a reduction in the time and expense normally spent on research and development for new or custom designs and ensures that all of our designs will not only meet or exceed the requirements of our customer's specifications but also meet or exceed the real-world requirements of the system.

In addition to providing custom solutions for new customer requirements, RPM has a complete array of over 500 standard Commercial Off The Shelf (COTS) and Non-Developmental Items (NDI) for commercial, scientific and military applications. Our modular approach to hardware often makes adapting these existing designs to new requirements possible. This reduces development time and cost, while assuring high quality Pedestals by building on proven components.

RPM engineers have access to the latest computer design tools including AutoCAD®, SolidWorks®, SolidWorks® Simulation, OrCAD®, Multisim®, Lab Windows® (Instrumentation), and SURFCAM® to develop, analyze, refine, manufacture, and test each design concept.  These computer tools enable RPM to perform structure and vibration analysis of pedestal components, and to predict pedestal performance with specific payload configurations. RPM has also developed many proprietary analytical routines for analysis of a system's performance.